Emily Almond is a freelance writer who happens to have a full-time
job as an Electronic Projects Coordinator at a university in Atlanta,
Georgia. A regular attendee of Dragon-Con, an annual sci-fi convention,
you will find her there this year trying to sell her comic books and
scripts featuring female superheros. She also divides her time between
her partner, dog, cat and bicycle, but not in that order.
Cathleen Conway is a Chicago writer, editor and literary critic
living in East London. She spends her time playing bass, listening
to discolicious-yet-atrocious manufactured British pop, missing American
Coca-Cola and shouting obscenities at the TV during Buffy the Vampire
Slayer repeats.
Brian Joseph Davis is a Toronto-based artist and filmmaker who
is often asked to leave parties after defending Pink Floyd’s Dark
Side of the Moon as the ultimate expression of western culture.
Happily living in Vancouver BC, Jenny Fry probably works more
than she should being a librarian with two jobs. She has written articles
Joy Helton is a twenty year-old college student in Portland,
who likes reading and making zines and comic books. Besides Buffy,
some of her other big obsessions are The Muffs, Two Ton Boa, Sleater-Kinney
and the sun, which, sadly, she rarely sees.
Doretta Lau likes stuff. A lot. First it was hockey. Then it
was music. Now it’s books. Whatever it is, she just can’t get enough.
Why, she’s not just obsessive, she’s obsessive compulsive. She washes
her hands over fifteen times a day and thinks seriously about buying
a protective mask to wear on the subway in New York.
Sam Macklin is the co-editor of Smart Cookie Publishing. Few
people appreciate his drawings.
Frayn Masters looks a lot like your best friend’s girlfriend.
You can find other samplings of Masters’ writing in/on:;; and two of her short
stories appear in Little Engines #4. She’s also got a couple of screenplays
if you’re interested. Are you? She sure hopes so.
Jim Munroe, 30, has written three science fiction novels and
does a CD-ROM zine called Novel Amusements. His video game
column in Toronto’s alt-weekly eye is called “Pleasure Circuit.” His
website ( is home to his projects as well as
many do-it-yourself articles on movie and book making. He lives with
his wife in Toronto’s Annex neighbourhood above an ice cream shop
and an income tax office, which would be convenient except that he’s
a vegan who does his own taxes.
Raymond is a student at LSU and is currently planning to decide
on a major. He is a level 28 fanboy and is constantly earning EXP.
Pollyanna Rhee lives and amasses student loan debt in New York.
Rachel Rivera’s exciting career as a human being began in Austin,
Texas, in 1985. Since then, her life has taken place in San Antonio.
These two locales represent the two cities most likely to be voted
out of the state of Texas for their citizenry’s lack of enthusiasm
for cowboy hat/boot-stomping/git along li’l dawgie culture. She played
her first video game at the age of three, subscribed to her first
comic book at ten, grew her first full-blown obsession at thirteen
and hasn’t looked back since.
Kris Rothstein is a writer and editor in Vancouver where she
lives with a cute English boy and a tiny mental kitty. She is the
founder of Smart Cookie Publishing.
Kate St.Claire was born in suburban London and raised in upstate
New York. In her spare time, she plays in pop bands (most recently
The Lollies) and writes
‘rock novels.’ You can find more of her illustrations here.
Sometimes she answers email
and sometimes she doesn’t.
Kevin Sampsell is a writer and small
press maverick living in Portland, Oregon. His writing has appeared
in a variety of venues such as 3rd Bed, Little Engines,
Punk Planet, Minima, The Stranger, McSweeney’s,
Bridge, Gut Cult and Identity Theory. He is a
member of Haiku Inferno, an action-word-supergroup. His most recent
book is A Common Pornography.
Kym Shank is a 23 year-old woman who lives in the suburbs of
Richmond, Virginia. She enjoys writing slash as well as drawing anything
from Harry Potter to Stephen King fan art. She’s a huge Pink Floyd
fan and if you asked her what she ate for lunch, she couldn't tell
you. Visit
for more of her work.
Erin Stanley is a recent graduate of the Emily Carr Institute
of Art & Design. She lives in Vancouver where she enjoys making clothes,
watching and working on horror films, reading and drinking beer. Last
year she toured the west coast in a performance art piece where she
played half of an ass.
Margaret C. Sullivan is an aspiring novelist and the webmistress
of Tilneys and Trap-doors,
a website inspired by her love of Jane Austen’s novels. She also helps
run, a community for fans of the Horatio Hornblower
books and films. She lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
and wishes it were a great deal closer to Bath.
Cecilia Tan is a freelance writer living in the Boston area. She
writes about all her passions, which include gourmet food, erotica
and baseball. She has a black belt in tae kwon do and is the founder
and editor of Circlet Press, Inc. Find out more at
Bethany Wiegmann was born, raised and lives in Virginia. She
is in college studying for a degree in criminal justice. She has been
a fan of J.R.R. Tolkien since she was five years old and her mother
read her The Hobbit. She occasionally writes pieces for her
own enjoyment like the lembas bread recipe, which appears on,
a Lord of the Rings fan site.
More of Kyan Wing’s artwork can be found online.
Brad Yung has been called the Godfather of Irony. He wrote
and drew the weekly comic strip Stay
As You Are until his screen-writing career started to take off.